DHA City Karachi Overview

complete overview of DHA Karachi ?

Initial Balloting


DHA City Karachi is located on Super Highway. Construction of road linking Super Highway and Airport have shorten the travel time. It is connected to existing DHA through National Highway and link road linking Super Highway just short of DHA City Karachi.

Our Master Plan

DHA City Karachi (DCK) Master Plan was unveiled in December 2011. DCKs lead concept planner, Prof Spiro Pollalis presented the main features of the DCK’s master plan model including topography, residential sectors, business district, road networks and amenity areas etc.

DHA City Karachi (DCK) Master Plan was unveiled in December 2011. DCKs lead concept planner, Prof Spiro Pollalis presented the main features of the DCK’s master plan model including topography, residential sectors, business district, road networks and amenity areas etc.